Understanding Breast Health in Female Athletes

Tips, best practices, and expert advice to help support your health and performance.


Ellie Maybury



Australia Institute of Sport. Female Performance and Health Initiative. Breast Health for Female Athletes. (https://static.ausport.gov.au/fphi/module-10/#/)

The Well HQ. Breast Support. (https://www.thewell-hq.com/category/breast-support/)

University of Portsmouth. Research Group in Breast Health. (https://www.port.ac.uk/research/research-groups-and-centres/research-group-in-breast-health)

Welcome to this InfoBlog dedicated to understanding breast health in female athletes.

As part of our commitment to advancing female-specific health and performance, this InfoBlog provides vital information on the unique challenges and considerations related to breast health in sports. From the impact of exercise on breast tissue to the importance of proper support and preventive care, our goal is to equip female athletes with the knowledge they need to maintain optimal breast health while achieving peak performance. Dive in to explore expert insights, practical tips, and the latest research findings designed to support your athletic journey.

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